Proposals are SO fun!!! I love the thoughtfulness & hard work that goes into a guy's decision to ask for his girlfriend's hand in marriage.
Some proposals are super creative. Some are mega romantic. Some are surrounded by family & friends. Some are all of the above.
A few months ago, our friend Jordan told Zach & I that he was ready to propose to Stacy, his girlfriend of 4 years. We were pumped for them, of course! And I told him he couldn't do it without a photographer present. He agreed.
Jordan & Stacy are both mentors at our church's high school group with us. They are amazing leaders to these students and have been compassionate, consistent and CUTE together for years now. :)
We were all ready for this day, but didn't know when it would come.....
Jordan, knowing Stacy very very well, decided that he had to propose where lots of people who love Stacy were present. HIGH SCHOOL GROUP.
So he worked his magic with Kevin (who really is a magician) to scheme up something that would catch Stacy off-guard.
Kevin called all the leaders up to the front to participate in a game. He then drew names for the 3 leaders that would play. Leah, Josiah, and Stacy.
Stacy was first up. There were 3 pedestals up front, each with an envelope that held instructions for her tasks. She was told that for each task she completed, one of our students would get to got to Dunes (our winter retreat) for free. So everybody cheered her on!
First envelope. She was instructed to show everybody what the paper said.. "Drink Me." So Kevin poured some water in a cup and she drank it. Easy!
Second envelope. "Eat Me." There were animal crackers she ate a couple.
Third Envelope. Magic Kevin pulled her under the spotlight to open this envelope, and he disappeared while she opened it. Notice how she looks into the crowd when she was what was written....a little confused :)
"What does it say, Stacy??" ...... she answers as if it's a question. "It says 'Marry Me' ?"
Everybody starts screaming. :) Remember, she is standing in front of over 100 high schoolers!
I can only imagine the butterflies in her stomach at this moment!! Accompanied with confusion...since Jordan is nowhere to be seen.
Then the room goes black.
And a spotlight appears down the aisle in the back of the room.
There he is.
Going to get his bride!!!
The students are still screaming. I'm sure many people are crying. I'm pretty sure I was too. :)
"Stacy," he says. "We've been together too long to not let this happen."
A loud "awwww" erupts from the crowd. Everybody is still screaming with delight.
"Stacy, will you marry me?"
(still screaming. Accompanied this time by clapping, whistling, hooting & hollering.)
Then a video comes on the screen. It's filled with tons of their friends each sitting in a chair saying, "They're finally getting married!" over and over. Because that's how we all feel. :)
They turn to come down off the stage.... and then she sees the 20 or so family members who came just to watch it all happen.
Tears. Hugs. Congratulations!
And a lot of admiring her ring, of course!
And the two families shall become one.
CONGRATULATIONS, Mr. & Soon-To-Be Mrs. Raney!!! You guys are amazing, we are so excited for you, and can't wait to watch how Jesus shines through you guys as a team!